Athlete Information Release

On behalf of our undersigned child/athlete, I/we parent/guardian undersigned hereby authorize the release and access of the following information of my child/athlete to the Rockford Rowing Parent Board for the 2024 Fall Season; name, date of birth, grade, address, email, allergies, use of epi-pen, asthma, use of inhaler, medications, medical insurance company, policy number, and group number.

I/we parent/guardian undersigned also authorize the release and access of the following additional information to the Rockford Rowing Parent Board for the 2024 Spring Season;

parent/guardian’s names, parent/guardian's email, parent/guardian’s phone numbers, emergency contact name, emergency contact phone number, and the parent/guardian’s preferred hospital for their child/athlete.

In signing this document I/we approve the information listed above be used for records, emergency contact information, regatta registration, food tent meal planning, and any other Rockford Rowing related applications. Any other personal information of the undersigned child/athlete must be requested from and have the use approved by both parent’s/guardian’s listed above. 

In signing this document I/we acknowledge that the members of the Rockford Rowing Board are not employed through Rockford Public Schools. I/we recognize that in signing this document I/we are approving that the members of the Rockford Rowing Board have access to certain pieces of sensitive information that can be used for the above listed reasons and acknowledge that Rockford Public School can not be held accountable for the misuse of any of the above information.

I/we agree and acknowledge that I/we may be giving up certain important legal rights and remedies available to me individually.

I/we have read the foregoing release, waiver, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement and fully understand the terms contained therein and sign this document freely and without inducement. I/we hereby verify the information submitted is true and correct.

By submitting this form, you are providing your digital signature.