Rockford Sprints

Rockford Sprints

Join us at Rockford High School for an exciting indoor sprint, kicking off at 8:30am and wrapping up by 11:30am. Watch rowers push their limits on erg machines in a fierce display of strength and endurance. Admission is just $5 with proceeds going to help fund a new dock for the team. Come cheer them on and support a great cause!


Location: 4100 Kroes St NE, Rockford, MI 49341

Maps: Google | Apple


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Spring Dock-In Day

Spring Dock-In Day

Dock-in Day is the tradition that brings together our rowing team and their families to set the stage for an exciting season ahead. We invite all parents and kids to lend a hand as we place the dock back into the Grand River, tidy up the boathouse, and mark the start the Spring season.

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GR Invitational

GR Invitational


Riverside Park, 2001 Monroe Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505

Maps: Google | Apple

Volunteers and Setup:

  • Details to come.

  • Volunteer sign-up here


  • Racing starts at…

  • List of events


  • Regatta Central

  • CrewTimer Results

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Martindale Sprints

Martindale Sprints


  • Kensington Park, 4570 Huron River Pkwy, Milford, MI 48380

  • Maps: Google | Apple

  • Spectator parking maps: Google | Apple

Parent info:

  • Volunteer signup

  • Bus arrives at the HS a…



  1. The bus leaves early so SET MULTIPLE ALARMS. If your kid misses the bus, they can’t race. If your kid can’t race, the whole boat may have to scratch. If the whole boat has to scratch, it's misery for everyone.

  2. Kensington is a huge animal preserve. There are no street lights and it is INCREDIBLY DARK! If you have a headlamp, bring it, especially if you're on tent setup.

  3. It's a good, brisk 10-minute walk from the parking area to the beach on a paved and not terrible trail. But if you're exhausted or trying to outrun an approaching storm, it's not short so BRING A WAGON! There is no running home between races and it's 20+ minute drive to the nearest restaurant. There are often food trucks but they're not a certainty. BRING A COOLER AND CHAIR!

  4. Umbrellas and pop-up tents are prohibited on the beach. This is strictly (and weirdly) enforced. You could put up a tent on the grassy area, but you will be sacrifiching the best view so BRING YOUR RAINCOAT!

  5. So of the worst sunburns ever seen have happened on the beach at this regatta. While it's still early in the season we're exiting winter in Michigan so do not be complacent. YOU AND YOUR KIDDOS NEED TO USE SUNSCREEN!

  6. There will be a tent selling all kinds of regatta merch. Your kids will want something. BRING $$$.

  7. GIVE EXTRA TIME to find your way and please be kind to the parking attendants. They are volunteers who love their kids and this sport so please don't run them over.

  8. VOLUNTEER and get involved! Meet other people who are also wondering how this has become their life These are now your people :)

  9. RESPECT THE BOUNDARIES! Being able to get the boats on and off the water efficiently helps keep the event running smoothly and as close to on-time as possible.

  10. Bring CAMERAS, PORTABLE CHARGERS, and BINOCULARS. These are your new best friend. There are going to be fleeting moments and epic memories that you will want to grab with both hands

    (This most excellent advice shared by the wonderful Novice Liaison: Mandy Dickerson!)

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Midwest Championship
to May 11

Midwest Championship


  • Kensington Park, 4570 Huron River Pkwy, Milford, MI 48380

  • Maps: Google | Apple

  • Spectator parking maps: Google | Apple

Travel and accommodations:

  • Parent blocks fill up very quickly so make your reservations as soon as possible. If you have any questions, email Rachel at

  • Holiday Inn Express Wixom booking link (call in code: MAY)


  • Volunteer Signup Genius

  • Midwest Volunteer Signup


  • Regatta Central

  • Crew Timer

  • Rockford Rowing Spreadsheet

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State Championships

State Championships


  • Kensington Park, 4570 Huron River Pkwy, Milford, MI 48380

  • Maps: Google | Apple

  • Spectator parking maps: Google | Apple

Travel and accommodations:

  • Parent blocks fill up very quickly so make your reservations as soon as possible. If you have any questions, email Rachel at

  • Holiday Inn Express Wixom booking link (call in code: ROW)


  • Volunteer Signup Genius


  • Regatta Central

  • Crew Timer

  • Rockford Rowing Spreadsheet

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SRAA Nationals
to May 25

SRAA Nationals






Travel and accommodation:

Parent blocks fill up very quickly so make your reservations as soon as possible. If you have any questions, email Rachel at


Details to come.


Details to come.


Details to come.


Event site: 2024 SRAA Regatta

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to Jun 1







Travel and accommodation:

Parent blocks fill up very quickly so make your reservations as soon as possible. If you have any questions, email Rachel at


Details to come.


Details to come.


Details to come.


Details to come.

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Novice Parent Meeting

Novice Parent Meeting

We’re hosting a Novice Parent Meeting where we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the upcoming spring racing season. If you’re new to the sport, this is the perfect chance to get up to speed, meet our coaching team, and ask any questions you may have (and is generally required for all Novice parents). We look forward to seeing you there and helping you feel confident about the season ahead.

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First Day of Practice

First Day of Practice

First Day of practice for Varsity and Novice.

Practices will be held on land in the Freshman Center until Dock-in Day. Practice times before the dock is returned to the river will be 6:00pm to 8:00pm.

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Parent Meeting

Parent Meeting

Join us for our Parent Meeting, where we'll go over all the details of the upcoming rowing season. This is your chance to get the inside scoop, meet the coaches, and ask any questions you may have. Whether you're new to the team or a returning family, we look forward to seeing you there and getting ready for an exciting season ahead.

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2024 Santa Parade

2024 Santa Parade

Join us for the annual Santa Parade in Rockford, where the Rockford Rowing Team will proudly march to spread holiday cheer and showcase our growing rowing program!


  • 9:45–10:00am - Meet at the boat trailer

  • 10:00–10:30am - Decorate the boat trailer

  • 11:00am - Parade begins


Possible areas to park: Administration Building, behind Parkside Elementary at RAM Field, Rockford Baptist Church, and Wolverine World Wide parking lots.


Rowers can be dropped off at Parkside Elementary and then walk to find our trailer in the lineup. We will know our lineup number the week of the parade and will share on SportsYou as soon as available.


  • Rowers: please bring candy to share during the parade. We need at least 5,000 pieces of candy to last through the entire parade route.

  • Rowers walking in the parade should toss the candy on the ground toward people. Please do not throw it.

  • We will have wagons to carry the candy during the parade for rowers to refill from.

Additional details:

  • Rowers should wear Rowing gear or Christmas attire (but NO Santa suits). Santa hats, elf hats, bells, or anything festive.

  • The Santa Parade is mandatory for all spring and fall rowers, from Novice through Varsity (if in town and do not have prior commitments).

  • Summer and fall Middle School rowers are welcome and invited walk with us during the parade.

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Poinsettia Fundraiser

Poinsettia Fundraiser

This holiday season, your student can boost their rowing fund by selling festive poinsettias from Romence Gardens to family, friends, and neighbors. These vibrant poinsettias come in classic holiday colors—red, white, pink, and marble—to brighten any space. Each 8” potted poinsettia is priced at $30, with $5.50 going directly to your student’s rowing account. Spread the cheer and help support your rower!

Orders can be picked up at the Swem’s home on Dec 2 (date to be confirmed) as the poinsettias need to be kept in a heated garage.

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Holiday Wreath Fundraiser
to Nov 23

Holiday Wreath Fundraiser

This holiday season, rowers can boost their rowing fund by selling festive wreaths from Brower’s Flowers to family, friends, and neighbors. These beautiful holiday wreaths add a cozy, seasonal touch to any space.

Each wreath uses locally sourced Fraser, Balsam, Cedar, and White Pine and measures approximately 22–24 inches across with prices ranging from $30 to $65.

Orders will be available at the Buckler’s house for pickup the evening of November 27th and after.

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Dock-Out Day

Dock-Out Day

Dock-Out Day is the tradition that brings together our rowing team and their families to close down water training and racing for the season. We invite all parents and kids to lend a hand as we remove the dock from the Grand River, tidy up the boathouse, and prep it for winter.

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Blake Haxton

Blake Haxton

  • 2933 Riverside Drive Columbus, OH, 43221 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


  • Griggs Reservoir Park

  • Parking (illustrated maps)

    • Spectator Parking is available in the pull-off lots located on Griggs Park Drive (Google maps) which is the access road running parallel between the Scioto River and Riverside Drive.

    • Vehicles are not permitted to park and/or drive in the grass per the City of Columbus. Violators will be ticketed and/or towed. Oversize vehicles blocking the road will be ticketed and towed. Absolutely no parking at Frisbee Golf Course.

    • Overflow parking is available at Mountview Christian Church main lot at 2140 Fishinger Road (Google | Apple). Please refrain from parking in the rear lot.



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Pump House Fundraiser

Pump House Fundraiser

On October 19, from 12:00pm to 10:00pm, head downtown to The Pump House for a delicious treat while you support the rowing team. A portion of every sale will be donated to the team, so every scoop counts.

The Pump House has artisanal yogurt, gelato, sorbet and custard and a mountain of crazy toppings. Bring your friends, spread the word, and come out to show your support while enjoying a sweet treat!

Special thanks to Pump House owner Kristy Wright for this special fundraising opportunity!

The Pump House. 30 N. Main St., Rockford, MI 49341

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Orange Vs Black Intra-team Scrimmage

Orange Vs Black Intra-team Scrimmage

The gloves are off and we’re ready for some Orange vs Black competition. All bragging rights are on the line. There will also be an Open House for anyone wishing to see what rowing is all about as well as a bake sale.


  • Jupiter Boathouse, 5501 Jupiter Ave NE, Belmont, MI 49306


  • 8:45am: Team arrival.

  • 9:00am: Captain and coxswain meeting.

  • 9:30am: First event begins.

  • Race Spreadsheet

  • CrewTimer results


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Head of the Grand

Head of the Grand


  • Head of the Grand is held on the Grand River in Lansing, MI. The MSU Crew Club Boathouse (as well as main venue locations) are all located within the Grand River Park.

  • Address: Grand River Park, Lansing, MI 48917 (Google Maps | Apple Maps)

  • The park is public and parking is free in the venue. When you enter the park, you will want to turn left to make your way to the main regatta area.

  • There will be four local food trucks at the regatta.



Head of the Grand video from 2000 👇

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Fall Mum Fundraiser
to Sep 30

Fall Mum Fundraiser

This fall, your student can raise funds for their rowing account by selling beautiful mums from Bos Greenhouse & Farms to parents, friends, and neighbors. These hardy mums are available in white, purple, pink, orange, red, and yellow and are able to be planted for blooming the following year. Each 10” potted mum will sell for $15 with $8 going directly to your student’s rowing fund.

— —

Online orders:

Use this link.

In-person orders:

  1. Download and print the Fall Mum ordering form.

  2. Collect orders and payments between September 20 and 30.

  3. Place an envelope with payments and a copy of your completed order form in the Boathouse dropbox on September 31 or Oct 1.

  4. Mums will be available for pickup at the boathouse on or after October 7.

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Join rockford rowing
to Aug 30

Join rockford rowing

Want to give rowing a try?

You're invited to join any practice between August 26 and August 30. We’ll show you the boathouse and let you get a feel for rowing on the water. To schedule a guided tour, send an email to

Ready to join?

If you’re ready to join Rockford Rowing, sign-up on Community Ed Services and we’ll see you on the water!

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Meet Us at Orientation
to Aug 23

Meet Us at Orientation

Come see us at orientation and discover what it means to be part of the rowing team. Whether you’re in middle school or high school, rowing offers the chance to challenge yourself, build lifelong friendships, and be part of something bigger. Come say hi, meet the team, and find out how you can join us on the water.

High School:

  • August 19 from 7:30am to 12:00pm

  • August 22 from 7:30am to 12:00pm

Freshmen Center:

  • August 19 from 7:45am to 12:30pm

  • August 22 from 10:00–12:00pm

East Middle School:

  • Grades 7 and 8: August 19 from 8:00–11:30am

  • Grade 6: August 19 from 12:30-2:30pm

  • Make up: August 22 from 8:00–11:00am

North Middle School:

  • Grades 7 and 8: August 22 from 8:00–11:30am

  • Grade 6: 12:30-2:30pm

  • Make up: August 23 from 8:00–11:00am

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Start of Summer Celebration Parade

Start of Summer Celebration Parade

The annual Start of Summer Parade is Saturday, June 15 beginning at 11:00am.

This is a big opportunity to make families and future rowers aware of our program. We want to go big and loud to build awareness and support recruiting. All team members are expected and encouraged to walk in the parade.


We enter the parade at Wolverine and E Main Street. We’re group number 83. Look for the numbers to find our group along the parade route. We will likely be on Wolverine Street to start (see attached map at bottom for our meeting place and route).

When parents drop off their athlete they will have to walk to our designated spot in line. The best place to drop off athletes is at Parkside Elementary Ram Stadium.

Arrival Time:

Students should arrive between 9:45 and no later than 10:15am. Police and city workers will not allow any students or parade participants in after 10:15am. Parking will be a bit difficult to find due to construction downtown.


Students should wear Rockford Rowing clothing or RAM pride colors.

If any parents are interested in passing out candy in the parade, let us know. Join us and wear Rockford Rowing/Ram pride colors walk alongside!


  • Candy must be thrown underhand only. Do not throw overhand.

  • Do not exit the parade route early.

  • Be cautious of young children along the parade route (especially if they venture into the street/parade route).

Parade End:

We will end up in the RAM field behind Parkside Elementary. Parents will NOT be allowed to drive on Monroe Street for pickup. If you could plan on meeting your athlete there, we will walk them back to Parkside at the conclusion of the parade.

In case of rain:

The parade will take place rain or shine, plan accordingly for weather.

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Northview Scrimmage

Northview Scrimmage


Location: Jupiter Boathouse

Time: Athletes should arrive by 7:15am.

Parking: Athletes may drive themselves but must park towards the back of the boathouse.


  • Varsity and JV uniform: wear your uni. If yours hasn’t arrived, please ask to borrow one.

  • Novice uniform: wear your racing tank. If it has not arrived, please wear your spring shirt.

Misc: No cowbell allowed but please cheer for our boats as loud as you can!


Athletes will launch upstream from the dock. The start line is in the cove, upstream from the boathouse. Athletes will race downstream and will race by the dock with around 150 meters left.

The finish line will be around 150 meters downstream from the boathouse. Athletes will return to the dock upstream as they would during practice.


First race is at 8:15am. Parents and spectators should arrive around 8:00am.

Athletes have priority for parking in the gravel lot. Parents may parallel park down the driveway or on the west side of the boathouse in the grass.

There is no overflow parking reserved since this is a smaller race. Please do your best to consolidate the number of vehicles you take to the boathouse.


Volunteer sign-up form.

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Spring Sprints

Spring Sprints


  • Buses leave Rockford High School at 7:00am.

  • Students should arrive by 6:45am.

  • Location: Forest Hills Central High School, 5901 Hall St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546

parent info:

  • The first race is expected to start at 9:00am.

  • Awards ceremonies are expected to be complete by 2:00pm.

  • In the past there has not been a parking fee for this event.

  • Expect an admission fee (amount and ‘cash only’ unknown).

  • There are usually vendors with booths selling various items

  • No parent volunteers are needed for this event.

  • Find the Rockford Rowing parent section and come sit with us—we will be making lots of noise!


Details to come.

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