Rowing is a sport like no other. Below you’ll find rowing terms to help you understand the sport. If you still have questions, we would love to chat with you about the sport.
What we call a race, typically last all day, and athletes will be expected to be there all day to support their team.
Another name for the boats, can be rowed by either 8, 4, 2 or 1 person. Made out of carbon fiber, the boats range from 20-60 feet and can cost upwards of $50,000.
Style of rowing, involving each rower having one oar. You can row sweep in an 8, 4, or 2. The rower rotates around the oar lock, with a moving seat, rowing in a semi circular motion.
Style of rowing, involving each rower having two oars. You can scull in a 4, 2 or 1. The rower uses two smaller oars to apply power to both sides of the boat. Sculls are noted with "x" (ex: 4x).
The coxswain is the person who steers the boat. The coxswain has a microphone attached to the boat with speakers to direct the crew, keep time, enact the practice or race plan. They are known as the coach in the boat.
The Coxswain is noted by a +/-. For example, a 4+ is a coxed four and a 4- is a straight four (no cox).
Where the athlete puts their blade in the water, between the recovery and the drive.
After the catch, the oar is in the water, this is the power phase of the stroke. Where we build our momentum.
The portion of the rowing stroke where the athlete is in preparation for the catch.
Where the athlete takes their blade out of the water, to continue up the recovery.